The program will help you learn how to solve the Rubik's cube using various methods. From a very simple method for children to solving a cube with eyes closed. And also other puzzles: Cube 2x2, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, etc. Meffert pyramid, megaminx, skube, square, mirror cube, axis cube, pyramorphix master, sudoku cube, mill, ivy, redi, pentacle and clover cube.
In the program you will find various methods of solving the Rubik's cube (from Anton Rozov and Maxim Chechnev). As well as advanced cube-solving techniques based on the Jessica Friedrich method (OLL, COLL, PLL, ROUX, CLL) with fingertrixes (methods of fast cube rotation) from world speedcubing stars Felix Zemdegs and Dylan Wang.
And you will also find many more interesting things. Build Methods:
cubes 2x2, 4x4, 5x5,
pyramids of Meffert (pyraminx),
including the keyhole method,
square (square-1),
stars of the square (super square star),
abnormal cube (Axis cube),
mirror cube (Mirror block),
Master Pyramorphix,
Sudoku cube,
mills (Windmill),
fisher cube (Fisher),
gear cube (Gear cube),
ivy cube,
redi cube,
clover cube,
pentacle cube,
patterns on the cube,
method of solving a 3x3 cube with closed eyes,
timer with metronome,
a game to train the determination of PLL and OLL situations,
a game for practicing the alphabet of blind assembly,
scramble generator ...